The Harry Potter movies are clearly intended for people who have been reading the books but unlike situations where a single movie is made from a single book, t
In the beginning of Sherlock Holmes (2009), Lord Blackwood attempts to kill a young woman during some sort of dark ritual and is thwarted just in time by Holmes
Some comedians / actors are given creative freedom to improvise at times when producing a new film. Is there any evidence that Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson impro
In his Star Wars Episode 1 review/analysis, Mike Stoklasa used a certain challenge as a device to illustrate how poorly thought out the characters were: De
I'm a big fan of the Pink Panther movies (the ones with Peter Sellers, not new ones with Steve Martin). But after watching The Life and Death of Peter Sellers,
At the end of the movie, adult Jack (Sean Penn) wanders through a wasteland, goes through a doorway and ends up on a beach. There he shares the screen with his
Frank Costello the mob boss, one of the main antagonists in The Departed, is revealed to be a protected FBI informant. Assuming that this is indeed the case, do
One of the things that I have always found striking about 2001 A Space Odyssey is the almost mechanical acting of the human characters, especially the radio ope
Everybody knows that David Prowse played Darth Vader in the old Star Wars episodes. He was a weightlifting champion and a bodybuilder. Does anybody know who an
The ending of the film Shutter Island is purposely ambiguous, with two different interpretations: Teddy was crazy, and the whole movie was part of a role-play
In the beginning of the movie 'Tree of Life', Mrs. O'Brien (Jessica Chastain) receives a telegram (or was it a regular piece of mail?) notifying her that her so
Yes, we are all fascinated (or abhorred) by the inclusion of a few CGI dinosaurs in Terrence Malick's 'Tree of Life'. Personally, I enjoyed the dinosaurs thorou
In the movie Sucker Punch, while Baby Doll dances, the movie cuts over to scenes of her and the other girls in a different world. Is this world supposed to be
The movie eXistenZ, which stars Jude Law, shares the concept of layered realities with the movie Inception. Was the movie Inception influenced by Existenz's con
Melancholia is a realistic "what-if" science fiction, set in roughly the time we live in. The whole plot is centered around the concept of a planet approaching
I have watched a lot of Iranian movies and I love them but they are similar in style (realistic long shots and slow cuts) and content (e.g. struggle of the soci
At the end of the movie, Hannibal escapes and leaves Clarice behind. However, the book ends with Hannibal drugging Clarice and the two of them running off toget
All the movies I know so far from Miyazaki all have interaction between people and the natural environment as one of their themes. Did he make any movies withou
Shortly after World War II the Americans did observe and censor the newly made movies in Japan. Did Kurosawa make that many Shakespeare-adaptations in that time
In the movie Pontypool, the people have a disease that is transferred by hearing the mumbling of an infected person and thinking about it. Where did the disease
Lots of people reject both Matrix sequels, but do they have a good solid reason? Personally, I watched all three with the same level of wonde
In the American cut of Metropolis the mentioning of Hel is completely removed from the movie. But it pretty much explains Dr. Rotwangs actions. Why was such an
As described on IMDB site, the Akira remake: Set in New-Manhattan a city rebuilt with Japanese money, the story focuses on two biker friends. Further plot
According to Wikipedia, the main theme of The Dark Knight is escalation, such that each event lead to an escalation that results from the choices Batman and Jam
At the end of the movie 'Blue Valentine', as 'Dean' walked away from the home and sending their daughter back to 'Cindy' mean that they separate (divorce or som
The recently released Blu-ray edition of Star Wars has a few changes made personally by George Lucas. The most striking is Darth Vader's "No!" in episode VI. Wh
As Captain Miller says to "gear up" after releasing the hostage, one of the subordinates refuses. What I am trying to understand is what the movie was trying to
I have watched many movies such as Sixth Sense, where there is a major twist that if known prior to watching the movie can potentially spoil the enjoyment of vi
In Pulp Fiction, there is a briefcase which has contents that are kept very secret. What item is most likely to be in the briefcase?
Although Marty is only in 1955 for one week, he plays a pivotal role in getting his parents together. He even briefly dates his mother. So, considering he plays